Sunday, July 1, 2007

Drum Roll, Please

Ok, well, I did it. I started off with these top things.. I'm sure they have name. I took them down (which was a bitch, excuse my language) a long time ago when I planned on ripping this stupid column in front of the door out. I really like them in just shocking silver. The comment about them being someone else's treasure really hit home when I realized how beautiful these things are in something other than flat white.

So when I got down to the distressing them like my furniture is, I started to wonder if I needed to already spray the silver back on. Looking at my furniture- I'm almost wondering if I need to cover more of the silver with black.

First, I tried thinning the Black Rust-Oleum with Mineral Spirits, but quickly learned that it wiped the silver off right along with it. So then I dipped the paper towel directly into the can of paint and went with that. It spreads fine, if you rub it immediately.

I did about half of the post and then got bored with it and decided I would wait and see how it looked in different lighting. I think once it's complete it will blend into the front door, for the most part, in pictures. I'm just not sure if I accomplished anything, however. I almost feel like I made the iron porch posts look brand new and then made them look old and crappy again... But really, as I admire it from a distance (in the spot between my two trees, as usual) it looks very nice. And I think when I get the light fixtures up and maybe two potted shrubby things on either side of the front door with some kind of gardeny thing painted to match, it will all look spectacular..... And maybe I'll just have the Real Estate photos taken from off-center, so you don't realize from those that it IS directly in front of the stinkin' door.

By the way, isn't my landscaping the hottest thing you've ever seen? Unfortunately, I cannot seem to turn my only outside water spout at ALL. And I am TERRIFIED of breaking it and having this gushing waterfall. It is old, and says "Patented No Freeze" or something to that effect on it. Hmmm....

(Top half has not been "distressed")

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