Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Kitchen- Then and Now

I've had a Wine theme for my kitchen from day one. Yes, I considered apples and chickens and the light and airy and finally settled on a Wine-inspired theme, hopefully incorporating some wine-y antiques in the future.

Here are shots of the kitchen and fireplace pretty much before (yes I had one wall painted):

And now...

I painted the kitchen ceiling Olive, the inside of the soffit Wine, one wall Blue, one wall light Green, the bottom of the soffit Oak/Yellow, and the wall above the fireplace a combination of the Blue and Wine to make a variated Purple. Mmmm... nice!

I also, after much hesitation, hung my first light fixtures. Both are halogen and I thought provided the most light. I really didn't want any ugly fluorescent fixture.... It isn't very good for task lighting and I create shadows in most areas. I'm not sure how to remedy this....

1 comment:

Sharon huber said...

You have done a great job on your home. I'm buying a home that looks somewhat like your home. It also has the white iron columns. I happen to love them and will be leaving them but believe me they need painting. Enjoyed reading about your home.